Sway With Me A Celebration of the Tree and Its Offspring Judy Dunlop and Ashley Hutchings
the composers
Tree / The Oak (Steve Knightley) / Pierce The Screen (Ashley Hutchings)
/ Thirlmere, February 1922 (Geoffrey Hodson) / Morning Of High Silence (Cathy LeSurf) / Achren's Riddle (Judy Dunlop) / Hanging
Tree (Ashley Hutchings / Dave Wood) / The Fallen Elm (John Clare) / The Woodlands Of England (Ashley Hutchings / Dave Whetstone)
/ Hazelnutting / Green City (Frank Sutton) / Dialogue From A Canterbury Tale(Powell, Pressburger) / Turn The Lathe Gently
(Ashley Hutchings) / Wood-Burning Rhyme (Anon) / The Charcoal-Burner (Sir Edmund Gosse / Ric Sanders) / Burning Up (Ric Sanders)
/ The Willow (Julie Matthews) / Mannikins (Geoffrey Hodson) / The Bee And The Butterfly (Chris Dunin / Jon H. Stoppard) /
Thanks Trees! / Sway With Me (Dave Whetstone) / Apple Pie
our complete website, with lyrics,
for this wonderful record
1. Tree 1:05
2. Oak 3:33
3. Pierce the Screen 3:40
4. Thirlmere, February, 1922 1:00
5. Morning of High Silence 3:45
6. Achren's Riddle 1:18
7. Hanging Tree 2:56
11. Green City 4:16
13. Turn the Lathe Gently 3:19
14. Wood-Burning Rhyme :54
15. Charcoal-Burner/Burning Up 5:47
16. Willow 6:36
17. Mannikins 1:02
18. The Bee and The Butterfly 3:03
19. Thanks Trees! 1:21
20. Sway with Me 5:48
21. Apple Pie :21
related internet links
The Oak