'Es At It Again!

He's known as the Father of British Folk-Rock, and sometimes
The Guv’nor, and at others, The Alchemist of Electric Morris,but running parallel with these
existences, for over twenty or more years, has been a successful and inventive life as songwriter, poet, music director at
the National Theatre and compiler of many fascinating albums of words and music on various themes .
Well, if you've gotten this far into the website, you'll have gotten the picture. Ashley's back, well back with
a new band. Ashley Hutchings' Rainbow Chasers.They'll be performing and have recorded, we might add, some of the most
interesting, sensitive and thought-provoking material that he has been associated with.
Joining him are a group of young, talented singers and musicians – all of whom have yet to make a name in the
world of music.

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vocals, acoustic guitar, viola.
vocals, acoustic guitar
vocals, violin
vocals, acoustic bass guitar

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Ruth Angell is looking after the
bands presence on Myspace